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6000 Series


Index to 6000 Series


Support Services

Support Services..... 6000 


Student Health Services 

Goals of Student Health Services..... 6100
Organization of the Student Health Services..... 6110
Student Health Services..... 6120
Administering Medicines to Students..... 6125
Emergency Epinephrine Auto-Injector Devices..... 5024/6127/7266
Automated External Defibrillator...... 5028/6130/7267
Student Wellness..... 6140 
Concussion and Head Injury..... 4270/6145
***Policy 6010-Wellness has been eliminated. Please see policy 6140-Student Wellness***


Student Food Services

Goals of School Nutrition Services..... 6200
Organization of School Nutrition Services..... 6210
Operation of School Nutrition Services..... 6220
Free and Reduced Price Meal Services..... 6225
School Meal and Competitive Food Standards...... 6230


Student Transportation Services

Goals of Student Transportation Service..... 6300
Safety and Student Transportation Services..... 6305
School Bus Idling..... 6306
Organization of Student Transportation Services..... 6310
Drivers..... 6315
Use of Student Transportation Services..... 6320
Bus Routes..... 6321
Student Assignment to Buses..... 6322
Parking Areas for Students..... 6325
Insurance for Student Transportation Services..... 6330
Transportation Service/Vehicle Contracts..... 6340 


Purchasing Function

Goals of the Purchasing Function..... 6400
Ethics and the Purchasing Function..... 6401
Participation by Historically Underutilized Businesses..... 6402
Organization of the Purchasing Function..... 6410
Contracts with the Board..... 6420
Pre-Audit Certification..... 6421
Continuing Contracts..... 6425
State Purchasing Requirements for Equipment, Materials and Supplies..... 6430
Bidders’ List..... 6441/9121
Vendor Lists..... 6442
Purchase of Services..... 6450


Equipment, Materials, and Supplies

Goals of Equipment, Materials and Supplies Services..... 6500
Organization of Equipment, Materials and Supplies Services..... 6510
Use of Equipment, Materials and Supplies..... 6520
Personal Use of Equipment, Materials and Supplies..... 6521
Use of Equipment, Materials and Supplies by Non school Groups..... 6522
Use of Computers..... 6523
Network Security..... 6524
Instructional Materials Services..... 6525
Resource Conservation..... 6530
Hazardous Materials..... 6540
Vandalism..... 6550
Disposal of Surplus Property..... 6560