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Emergency Preparedness


Welcome to the Elkin City Schools Emergency Preparedness page.

This section has been created to provide families and community with a centralized location for resources needed before, during and after an emergency.


It offers various pieces of information (but not limited to) the following:

  • Emergency Survival Kits
  • Emergency services
  • Local power companies
  • Hospitals
  • Emergency plans
  • Safety protocols
  • Emergency procedures
  • Links
    • news stations
    • weather
    • disaster relief sites
    • radio stations
    • active shelters
...and much more


Emergency Preparedness page is designed to ensure the safety and well-being of our students, staff, families, and community. Communicating and providing the necessary resources to stay safe and connected when it matters most.

This page is designed to provide families with the critical information, links, emergency services contact information, and other resources they may need during an emergency situation. From preparedness tips to survival kits to real-time updates, you'll find everything you need in one convenient location.

We will be adding to this page as new emergency related information so check back regularly. Stay informed, stay prepared, and know that we’re here to support you every step of the way.