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NC School Report Card

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North Carolina’s school report cards are an important resource for parents, educators, state leaders, researchers, and others, providing information about school and district-level data in a number of areas.


These include student performance and academic growth, school and student characteristics, and many other details. Use the graphic to guide you through the different areas of the NC School Report Card.

School Growth

School Academic Growth represents the academic progress of a student compared to the average progress of students across the state in a given grade and/or subject. When the state has compelling evidence that the students in a school are progressing far above the average, we consider the school to be exceeding expected growth. When there is evidence that the students in a school are progressing consistently with the average, we consider that school to meet expected growth.

Growth Met
Growth Exceeded

School Recognitions

The following icons at the bottom of the school cards represent special designations.

Global-ready School Designation
Green Ribbon School
National Blue Ribbon Schools
Purple Star Award
STEM Schools of Distinction
State Schools of Character
# of Students
# of Schools
Average # of Students
Average Class Size
Average Course Size
Performance Grades
Growth Status
Low Performing Schools
English Learner Proficiency
4 Year Graduation Rate
# of Students Adv Classes
ACT Performance
ACT WorkKeys
WorkKeys Combined
Math Performance
Reading Performance
Science Performance
Biology Performance
English II Performance
NC Math 1 Performance
NC Math 3 Performance
Access to Technology
Arts Education
Participation Percentage
Chronic Absenteeism