3000 Series
Index to 3000 Series
Goals and Objectives
Goals and Objectives of the Educational Program..... 3000
Curriculum Development, Delivery and Evaluation
Curriculum Development..... 3100
Course Credits/Independent Study/Internship..... 3101
Online Instruction..... 3102
Academic Freedom..... 3105
Innovation in Curriculum and Instruction..... 3110
Curriculum and Instructional Guides..... 3115
Lesson Planning..... 3120
Grouping for Instruction..... 3130
Homework..... 3135
Evaluation of Instructional Programs..... 3140
Instructional materials
Selection of Textbooks and Supplementary Materials..... 3200
Parental Inspection and Objection to Instructional Materials..... 3210
*Attachment For 3210
Technology in the Educational Program..... 3220
Technology in the Educational Program..... 3220 AR-1
Data and Hardware Disaster Recovery Policy..... 3221
Technology Responsible Use..... 3225/4312/7320
Internet Safety..... 3226/4205
Web Page Development..... 3227
Copyright Compliance..... 3230/7330
Time for Learning
School Calendar and Time for Learning..... 3300
School Trips..... 3320
Student Performance
Evaluation of Student Progress..... 3400
Students at Risk of Academic Failure..... 3405
Testing and Assessment Program..... 3410
Student Promotion and Accountability Standards..... 3420
Guidelines for At-Risk Students…. 3421
School Improvement Plan..... 3430
Conflict Resolution..... 3431
Recognizing Excellence..... 3440
Class Rankings..... 3450
Graduation Requirements..... 3460
Alternative Learning Programs..... 3470/4305
Special Curriculum Objectives
Religious-Based Exemptions from School Programs..... 3510
Religion in the Schools..... 3515
Special Education Programs/Rights of Disabled Students..... 3520
Citizenship and Character Education..... 3530
Comprehensive Health Education Program..... 3540
Title I Parent Involvement..... 1320/3560
Title I Program Comparability of Services..... 3565
Services and Activities to Support the Educational Program
Counseling Program..... 3610
Extracurricular Activities and Student Organizations..... 3620
Student Voter Registration..... 3640/5130