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7000 Series


Index to 7000 Series


Recruitment and Selection of Personnel

Recruitment and Selection of Personnel..... 7100
Information Provided by Applicant or Employee..... 7110
Employee Health Certificate..... 7120
Licensure..... 7130


Work Environment

Staff Involvement in Decision Making..... 7210
Grievance Procedure for Employees..... 1750/7220
Discrimination and Harassment Prohibited by Federal Law..... 1710/4021/7230

Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disabilities.... 7231
Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace.... 7232
Title IX Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex....  1720/4030/7235  
     *Preferred Name vs Legal Name....  AR Policy 1720/4030/7235
Title IX Sexual Harassment - Prohibited Conduct and Reporting Process.... 7236  
Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Process.... 7237  
Drug-Free Workplace..... 7240
Drug and Alcohol Testing of Commercial Motor Vehicle Operators...... 7241
Smoking and Tobacco Products...... 5026/7250
Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens..... 7260

Communicable Diseases..... 7262

Face Coverings..... 4231/5021/7263
Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Science Laboratories..... 7265
Emergency Epinephrine Auto-Injector Devices..... 5024/6127/7266

Automated External Defibrillator..... 5028/6130/7267

     *Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan AR
Student Safety..... 1510/4200/7270
Injury and Loss Prevention..... 4201/7271
Services Animals in Schools..... 4202/5029/7272
Weapons and Explosives Prohibited...... 5027/7275
Prohibition against Retaliation..... 1760/7280


Staff Responsibilities

Staff Responsibilities..... 7300
Staff-Student Relations..... 7310
Bullying and Harassing Behavior Prohibited.... 4329/7311
*Administration Regulation for Policy..... 4329/7311-R
Child Abuse-Reports & Investigations
..... 7312  
Confidential Information..... 2125/7315
North Carolina Address Confidentiality Program..... 4250/5075/7316

Technology Responsible Use..... 3225/4312/7320
Copyright Compliance..... 3230/7330
Employee Use of Social Media..... 7335
Employee Dress and Appearance..... 7340
Public Records - Retention, Release, and Disposition..... 7350
Electronically Stored Information Retention..... 7351
Crowdfunding On Behalf Of The School System..... 7360


Specific Employment Relationships

Job Descriptions..... 7400
Extracurricular and Non-Instructional Duties..... 7405
Classified Employee-Coach Agreement..... 7405  AR
Teacher Contracts..... 7410
Residency Requirement for Selected School Employees..... 7415
Superintendent Contract..... 7420
School Administrator Contracts..... 7425
Substitute Teachers..... 7430 
Reassignments/Transfers..... 7440 


Workday and Absences

Workday..... 7500
Workday and Overtime..... 7500.01 AR

Salary Administration..... 7501

Teleworking..... 7503

Leave..... 7510
Annual Leave..... 7511
Sick Leave..... 7512
Personal Leave..... 7513
Educational Leave..... 7514
Professional Leave..... 7515
Community Responsibility Related Leave..... 7516

Compensatory Leave..... 7519
Compensatory Leave..... 7519.01 AR
Family and Medical Leave.... 7520
Military Leave.... 7530
Voluntary Shared Leave..... 7540
Absences Due to Inclement Weather..... 7550



Defense of Board Employees..... 7610
Payroll Deductions..... 7620
Return to Work..... 7635

Employee Travel and Other Expense Reimbursement..... 7650


Non-Job Related Activities

Membership in Professional Organizations..... 7710
Employee Political Activities..... 7720
Employee Conflict of Interest.... 7730


Development and Evaluation

Professional and Staff Development..... 1610/7800
Evaluation of Licensed Employees..... 7810
Plans For Growth and Improvement of Licensed Employees.... 7811

Evaluation of Non-Licensed Employees..... 7815

Personnel Files..... 7820
Petition for Removal of Personnel Records..... 7821
Confidentiality of Personal Identifying Information..... 4705/7825
     *Confidentiality of Personal Identifying Information..... 4705-7825-R



Resignation..... 7900
Retirement..... 7910
Reduction in Force: Teachers and School Administrators..... 7920
Classified Personnel Reduction..... 7921
Career Employees:  Demotion and Dismissal..... 7930
Classified Personnel:  Suspension and Dismissal..... 7940
Non-Career Status Teachers: Nonrenewal..... 7950