Kindergarten Registration Information - English
Elkin City Schools is proud to offer two Kindergarten options for students and families.
- Traditional Kindergarten
- Dual Language/Immersion (DL/I) Kindergarten
More information about our Dual Language/Immersion (DL/I) Program can be found on the district website under Directory > Dual Language Immersion. The DL/I program is elective and utilizes a lottery process for admittance.
Priority registration will be given to families who already have a child enrolled in the DL/I program.
Parent meetings will be scheduled for those interested in registering for the DL/I Program.
For more information about the DL/I program, please contact Heather Pardue, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, at 336-835-3135 x1236.
Important Dates will be determined for the following:
- Kindergarten Fun Times
- Kindergarten Screening
After your child is registered for Kindergarten, you will receive a phone call to schedule Kindergarten Screening.
For additional information about Kindergarten registration, please contact the office of Elkin Elementary School at 336-835-2756.